I am a happy victim of sibling violence.””
* 1989
Pavel is a Brno-based singer-songwriter playing violoncello, which he studied at the Brno Conservatory. He regards himself to be the self-proclaimed founder of a new musical genre cellofolk. Together with an accordion player and composer Ondřej Zámečník and a cajon player David Paša, he plays at concerts under the name Úcellová skupina.
Pavel opened for The Eben Brothers, Pokáč, and Petr Bende. He won the Notování contest and was a two-time winner at the Film Festival of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno, where he had also studied. He was also the winner of the singer-songwriter Videoleague and twice placed second in the finale of the Houpací kůň contest.
In 2019, he released his debut album Cellofolk, on which he collaborated with the accordion player Ondřej Zámečník, cajon player Jakub Špiřík, and sound-designer and producer Jakub Šimáně.
In Theatre Aldente, he works as a musician and sometimes even creates music for the productions. With the actors of Aldente, he made a music video, “I Have the Up Syndrome”, which won the first prize in the category “professional film” at the Film Festival of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno.
Participation in performances:
Káťa a Bajaja / Cathy and Bajaja (CZ, 2019) – musician
Maminko, jsi důležitá jako šraňky v tunelu! / Mommy, you are as important as boom barries in a tunnel! (CZ, 2014) – musician
videoclip Mám Upův syndrom (2019) – author of song, co-author of script and direction, actor
From older productions of Divadlo Aldente:
Na hlídce u třešňového piana (2010)
Neslušní mužíčci a kamenné panny (2010)
Octavia – bohové nejsou! (2009)
J + J se těší na prázdnin (2009)