Stand up Down (CZ)


script: Filip Teller
dramaturgy: Jitka Vrbková
music: Jan Kyncl, Ondřej Klíč
play themselves: Martin Kříž, Monika Pekařová,
Eliška Vrbková, Barbra Šotkovská
compere: Filip Teller
compere assistant: Martina Trusková
kapela: Václav Šarkozy, Jan Kyncl, Ondřej Klíč
play themselves: Hanka Bartoňová, Zuzka Filoušová,
Jakub Zahálka
compere: Filip Teller
compere assistant: Martina Trusková
kapela: Martin Polišenský, Jan Kyncl, Ondřej Klíč


Premiered: 28., 29. 5. 2021, Leitnerova Club

Aldente members talk show about themselves: their acting, hobbies, love and whatever comes to their mind.
Filip Teller moderates them. Or at least, he is trying to do that.

Extraordinary conversations about ordinary things, accompanied by a band by Jan Kyncl, Ondřej Klíč and others.

Divadlo Aldente creates this production with financial support of statutory city Brno and city district Brno-střed.

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Dates of performance:

Thursday 13.3. 19:00 Klub Leitnerova 320,-/220,- reserve