Sophocles // Antigone
for schools

Sophocles / Ferdinand Stiebitz

script and direction: Jitka Vrbková
music: Jan Kyncl
stage design: Zuzana Hejtmánková, Tomáš Madro
costumes: Kateřina Dvořáková

played by:
Antigone: Eliška Vrbková, Iveta Kocifajová, Zuzana Škopová
Creon: Lukáš Suchánek a Lukáš Rieger
Ismene: Hana Bartoňová
Haemon: Martin Kříž
Polynices: Jakub Zahálka
Eteocles: Jan Kyncl
Guard: Tomáš Král

First night: 28. 6. 2021

Especially suitable for subjects: literature, history, basics of social sciences / civics, ethics
Recommended age: lower-secondary school, secondary school
Length: 60 minutes performance + 30 minutes workshop
Price: 100 CZK/student (note: it is paid for the workshop only, the performance is covered by a grant from DF JAMU)

What’s Better? To Defy the Government or the Gods?

Two brothers die in a battle. King Creon orders to bury one of the brothers with funeral honours but forbids the burial of the other brother. The brothers have two sisters: Ismene decides to submit to the orders, while Antigone defies them. Despite the ban, she buries her brother. Creon sentences her to death. As Antigone walks towards her death, Creon realizes that his orders were against the Gods’ will. Yet, his realization comes too late: Antigone has committed suicide, and with her, other people are destined to die.

Live music, the interplay of lights and shadows, melody of the language. The production combines the classical Greek text with scenes from contemporary society, revealing the topicality of the issue

Workshop after the performance:


To familiarize with the ancient Greek tragedy.

To encourage critical thinking.

To teach each other not to see reality in black and white only.

Forms and contents

Collective analysis of the four main characters (Antigone, Ismene, Creon, Haemon), which, at the same time, are the four fundamental personality types.

Short sketches followed by an analysis of the characters’ positive and negative characteristics, students can be advocates of the characters.

Students will have an opportunity to take a test to see which personality type they are.


We never force students to do anything, which they could perceive as unpleasant (we do not exact answers).

We always base our workshops on the student group’s current dynamic – workshops can be highly interactive but can also be attended passively.

We adapt to the needs of the students.

The production was created as a project of Theatre Faculty of JAMU and was financially supported by the Éta program of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

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Dates of performance:

Monday 7.4. 10:00 Divadlo Barka 120,-/pupil reserve
Tuesday 8.4. 10:00 Divadlo Barka 120,-/pupil reserve